And i believe its time for our first card discussion, and today i am talking about brotherhood of the fire fist swallow.
Fire fist swallow is despite being one of the least used fire fist monster's, possibly one of the best it has the only true protection effect in the deck, protecting all face up beast warrior you control from being targeted by card effects. Aswell as having the standard fire fist eff of when its summoned you can set a fire formation straight from the deck.
Swallow has also become easy to summon with the recent release of the card transmodify to be able to up star any lvl 4 fire fist monster you control into swallow, its also a good card in the deck for synchro summoning with fire fist spirit, going into any lvl 8 synchro such as fire fist kirin and so on.
But something is holding this card back from being a staple in the fire fist deck, i believe this to be the fact that it can be a dead draw in the hand, the normal summon for fire fist deck can be very important so to tribute for swallow can slow the deck down, it can also ss summon itself by sending 3 face up fire formations to the grave, which could probably be put to better use.
Rank 5 possibilty is also in my opionion a big ask for swallow, as whist i feel swallow is a good card in the deck 1 is enough to run, and the only other lvl 5 being coyote a very questionable card in the deck rank 5s is a no no.
So what do you guys think of swallow, are there better ways to use this card, is it worth that deck space, or maybe you feel the card simply aint worth it in place of other option's, go ahead and leave your thoughts below on brotherhood of the fire fist swallow i look forward to what you guys have to say: